Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Blog Challenge Day 4: First doll

4. What/who was the first BJD you ever owned? Do you still own them? (Who is your planned first?)

My first doll is Marcheline, my Dollcatch Stella. I definitely still have her - I bought her some three years ago and even though lots of people were waiting up to 6 months for their dolls from Dollcatch (which was a sister company of Custom House and is now defunct); I was lucky and only waited 24 days. That is in total.

Marcheline was not the first doll that I planned to get - I had bought a Goodreau OzDottie from DDE before I had even thought of purchasing Marcheline. I actually had to wait 6 months for that particular doll to turn up, and once she arrived, I was vastly disappointed in the quality and structure of the doll in particular. (for more of this story read this post: http://softskintales.blogspot.com/2010/08/arum-reshelling-project.html )

I don't think I'll ever sell Marcheline, even though she is not one of my most expensive or my most flexible or posable. She's Marcheline, and I love her.


  1. My first doll was a DZ Fenyo/Fei. I bought the Fenyo in stock from Junkyspot as well as the extra Fei head for faceup practice. I kept her for all of a month before selling her and buying a minifee.

  2. Lol - I've also sold both my Dollzones, but then neither of them was my first doll. I had Marcheline for so long before I even got another doll (which was a pukifee) that I bonded very well with her. She doesn't get the same camera time as some of my other dolls, but that's ok with her and me!


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