Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Hades, Poseidon... and Zeus - a little BA addiction...

Over the past year, Fairyland had been talking about the release of a mature mini. When the Chic-line first came out, I was alright with not getting one. Then I saw what the Event items were and my mind was changed for me and fast.

Cerberus Project first released its Breakaway or BA sculpt as a limited Delf. When they split from Luts and created Fairyland, it became increasingly clear that the Delf line was now the property of Luts. When Fairyland released a Feeple BA, it caused a problem, as apparently Fairyland were thinking of making the BA a basic. I don’t pretend to know the details, but after that development, the Feeple Breakaway ceased to be sold and the sculpt returned to the limited and event head status.

Vulcan - Minifee
I received my first BA as a part of a Fairyland Event in 2009. Fairyland had produced a second scar head to be released as an Event item with their Scar Shiwoo and a newly designed Scar arm – the ‘Lightning’ version. (A Fire arm was released as an event item later in the year).

As I was participating in a GO at the time (specifically targeted to get the Event items as well as the three Little Fee ordered) and my friend and I had enough with our Little Fee to qualify for both Scar heads and two scar arms, I got to choose which of the two heads I wanted. It was a little bit of a non-choice, my friend is a well-known Shiwoo collector (her exploits can be found here: shiwooed.blogspot.com) but I’m sure if I had liked the Scar Shiwoo better she would have given him up for me.

Luckily for both of us, I liked the Scar Breakaway better. I soon discovered that this BA was a little bit... pushy. His name is Vulcan, and along with his lightening arm, he also possesses a fire arm and will soon also received a scarred chest (from the current Event) – he has turned out to be pushy, annoying and generally over the top. (and ironically has an on-going fight with the Scar Shiwoo, known as Gallagher).

So I had one BA. I liked the face a lot and when the head of a sleeping BA popped up on the marketplace – a feeple, I snapped it up and Arawn was born. Arawn, in comparison to Vulcan, didn’t talk much, if at all. He just sat in my black box of heads and said nothing. I kept my eyes out for a Open-eyed head, since I didn’t like the prospect of having to find someone to mod Arawn’s eyes open.

Arawn - Feeple
I got lucky... an Open Eye BA head with a Midnight Blue Feeple faceup popped up on the MP and it didn’t take much for me to grab it. But even with open eyes, Arawn still didn’t say anything. This changed recently when he DEMANDED his own Scar Arm from the most recently Fairyland Event...

And this takes us to Hades... Poseidon and yes, Zeus.

When Fairyland released the Chicline, they also released a L-line or Little Fee BA faceplate. I considered it, and since I had a mini collection of Fairyland BAs, I decided I would get one. This faceplate rapidly named itself Hades, and proceeded to tell me how things were GOING to be.

I placed up a Want-to-buy on the Marketplace to get Hades, but none was selling the faceplates. I was a little disappointed, but Hades was apoplectic. I was ORDERED to buy a Chic-line fullset boy so that Hades could come home. Since I wasn’t all adverse to that, I did.

Hades will come home with a Chic line El known as Janus.

A week or two after I had ordered Janus to get Hades, I saw a notice on the MP selling a WS L-line BA... I capitulated fairly quickly, after all, LTF BA twins was a cute idea... well, perhaps a bit of a worry was more like it, since Hades had been ordering me around to get wigs and the like and he hadn’t even been made...

Poseidon - LTF (with his wig!)
The new BA was quickly christened Poseidon – I saw a certain amusement factor in this since Hades and Poseidon were brothers according to Greek mythology. I reflected to my friend that if I ever got a third one (and it was a vague idea in the back of my head), I would name it after the third son of Kronos... Zeus.

Poseidon was not as much as a handful as Hades... I ordered his wig from Leekeworld a week or so after I had ordered Hades’ (same style, different colours). I thought I had two different types of BAs – pushy, overbearing ones like Vulcan and Hades, and quieter, nicer ones like Arawn and Poseidon.

Then I got a delivery notice from Leekeworld. It wasn’t for the wigs that I had ordered for Magnus and Hades (to this date I have not received a delivery notice for those wigs), but instead for Poseidon’s wig, which I had ordered a LOT later. I think Poseidon simply wanted his wig NOW rather than waiting until Hades’ had come. This was a little warning that I might have someone who wasn’t quite as quiet as I thought they would be.

Two days ago, I saw a notice for an NS BA L-line on the Market place... I pounced, and yesterday I paid for the third brother. Zeus.

I’m not quite sure what I have gotten myself in for.... three of them. Hades, Poseidon and Zeus.... (plus Arawn and Vulcan.... just hoping that Fairyland will not release a non-scarred MNF Breakaway).

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