Monday, September 13, 2010

Dolly Plans... designed to be broken?

The Family... MkV
Is there such thing as a good dolly plan? One that is able to be adhered to and followed?

I made a lot of plans at the start of the year around how many dolls I would buy and how many I wouldn't, especially after buying and completing 10 dolls in the space of just short of a year... After all, I only just started collecting in 2009.

I was only meant to purchase one doll this year. That was the original grand plan. One single doll - other than of course the requirement to complete the heads which I already had, and I started 2010 with a number of finished dolls.

That was broken by Magnus and the plan (MkI), looked like this:
  • Jan: Complete Bellona Lua, Sirona, Mati, Hyperion
  • Feb: Magnus - 4mth layaway
  • Mar: Magnus
  • Apr: Magnus
  • May: Magnus - final payment
  • Jun: Vulcan's body
  • Jul: Theia's body
  • Aug: Argus (layaway)
  • Sept: Argus
  • Oct: Argus
  • Nov: Argus
  • Dec - NO DOLLS.
That didn't take long to change... I was trawlling the marketplace when I came across Nemain.... and Arawn. So the plan had to change too... (in Feburary...)

Plan (MkII)
  • Jan: Complete Bellona Lua, Sirona, Mati, Hyperion
  • Feb: Magnus - 4mth layaway; Nemain, Arawn
  • Mar: Magnus, Nemain
  • Apr: Magnus, Nemain
  • May: Magnus - final payment
  • Jun: Vulcan's body
  • Jul: Theia's body
  • Aug: Argus (layaway)
  • Sept: Argus
  • Oct: ---
  • Nov: ---
  • Dec - NO DOLLS.
I still wasn't getting much....
Still in Feb and something was released... a very cute, very tiny Pipos Baby Alice... and she was limited... what was I supposed to do? Well... that changed things again....

Plan MkIII
  • Jan: Complete Bellona Lua, Sirona and Mati
  • Feb: Magnus - 4mth layaway; Nemain, Arawn, Angelu
  • Mar: Magnus, Nemain, Angelu
  • Apr: Magnus (final Payment), Nemain, Angelu
  • May: Angelu
Well, by this point my plans were completely out of whack and I didn't bother to attempt to try and document it again, I simply tried to keep up!

The Chic line event was in April...  and I only just caught that... In order to catch a birthday for a friend and have a legitimate reason for a parcel from Fairyland, that meant another doll... and of course now three faceplates.

Then Fairyland announced its summer Event... I admit, Fairyland is more than a little addicting. Fairyland have become more wise about Event items... now they don't easily double up and its much harder to get more than one.

All that means... to date, 17 more dolls this year - to date... This list includes dolls ordered, but not yet delivered...

I will have given bodies to six:
  1. Mati
  2. Hyperion
  3. Bellona Lua
  4. Sirona
  5. Vulcan
  6. Theia
And I have picked up 11 new dolls
  1. Nemain
  2. Magnus
  3. Angelu
  4. Argus
  5. Janus
  6. Cassius
  7. Arum (reshelled)
  8. Li Na
  9. Seth
  10. Nepthys
  11. the Dark Alice
I have also picked up a number of floating heads...
  1. Arawn
  2. Caesair
  3. Poseidon
  4. Hades
  5. Zeus
  6. Veja
The most ironic thing is that I will have given bodies to all the dolls I collected last year... I have to count that as a plus.

But then... the year is not over. Fairyland still have another Event... Scary thought, isn't it??


  1. Lol, I've loved seeing how your plans have changed this year... mine have been the same. I seem to have had a lot of dolls come and go this year though. - If I'd kept them all I would have been seriously in debt - and up to my eyeballs in dolls!

    My plan for next year... stay at 12 dolls... or go up to 14 at the very, very most! - heaven save me from the next FL event...

  2. I don't attempt to make plans... well, attempt being the operative word here.

    My want list isn't all that long though, thank goodness... so if Fairyland is nice to me, then next year (and the rest of this one) should be ok...

    Probably should stop eyeing off the Feeple Riff in the MP.. Arawn does not need that suit...


The Slow-down: 2016-2019

Wow. I used to collect a lot, and now, I don't do a lot of collecting at all. My collection has slowed to a crawl - some of it is prob...