Sunday, May 6, 2012

Blythe customs

Collecting Blythes has tempted me to customise them - I am not a fan of basic Blythes - but I am a fan of certain customs. So I thought that I would at least attempt to customise my own Blythes.

Considering that I don't customise my own BJDs, this is a pretty big step for me. So I ordered a whole heap of stuff from CoolCat - eye chips, pull rings, sanding sponges, needle files, mohair needle and a few other things and the other day I stopped by Spotlight which is our crafting/fabric/homewares super store and I picked up some acrylics, paintbrushes, tacky craft glue and a paint extender.

All I have left to get is gloss varnish, MSC and pastels. Pastels and gloss varnish I can get to at a local art shop, but the MSC either has to be ordered online or I have to go especially into the city to get some. That of course is a pain in the butt as the city is a good 50 mins on a train and possibly an entire day gone.

But today I took my first step. I grabbed one of my ultra fine sanding sponges and attacked my practice faceplate - I didn't really prepare, but I felt like doing it right then. I think I did it right, she looks duller than before...

I also attempted to carve with my needle files, but I don't think it came off properly. Do I need a scalpel or some blades?

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