Saturday, May 19, 2012

Blog Challenge 26: Do you have a favourite?

What a question! And I don't think it matters if readers don't tell, I think it would be discovered anyway.

I'd like to think I don't have favourites - but I know I do, and I'm sure that sometimes it can be a little obvious. But then I don't like to discuss the idea of favourites - it might get me into a lot of trouble. I suppose I could talk about favourites in terms of a favourite size, or a favourite sculpt or possibly a favourite within each size, so I might try to do that... I might not get in as much trouble if I spread the favouritism around...

My favourite size would have to be Pukifee - I love how cute and bobbly-headed they are. They are also a favourite in terms of numbers - I currently have six Pukifee with another four on my wish list. I also have a gap in my wish list if CP ever produces a Pukifee Lishe, at which point I would probably need two.. lol.

As for favourites within sizes... Well here goes:

  • My favourite SSD would have to be Morrigan, possibly because she has been with me the longest. Arawn would come a close second. (nothing against Pallus, he's just harder to move around).
  • My favourite SD would have to be Magnus I think - he is a pain to move around and ironically enough he's not a Lishe, but he was for a long time my only male SD and that gives him a special place in my heart.
  • My favourite MSD would probably be Vulcan - just because he's so much fun. There are a few runners up - Bellona Lua and Magna Dea, as well as my Chiclines... that's almost all of my MSDs, I know.
  • My favourite LTF is definitely a lot harder, I like Hades, and Ianthe - with soft spots for Violet and Emmeline.
  • Pukifee size, well, I think my favourite would have to be Isis, but then as my favourite size in general they all get a special place in my heart simply because of their personalities and fun.
  • Tinier than Pukifee - Well, I don't think I can go past Mati. The attitude does it to me again, I think.
As for favourite sculpt, I think that's obvious(!) - I currently have 9 Lishes in a variety of sizes: 5 Delf sized heads, 2 MNF, 1 Chicline and a LTF.  I only have two more girls to collect - a Delf Tan and a basic OE Elf 05... more information on them in my other blog: Lished. My second favourite sculpt would have to be the BA - I have all of the Fairyland releases except for the Dreaming F70 head, which I don't think I'll ever be lucky enough to have. I currently have 5 BAs - an F70; a scarred MNF (with sleeping head); and three LTF.

So those are my favourites... I don't think I dug too big of a hole for myself in answering that question, did I? And if you're trying to figure out who my all time favourite of my collection is, I think it might be easy to realise if you're a follower of my flickr. Someone does turn up in pictures a lot more than anyone else...


1) Why do you like BJDs?
2) Do you own any? If so how many and if not, do you have any plans to at the moment?
3) Post a picture of all your dolls!
4) What/who was the first BJD you ever owned? Do you still own them? (Who is your planned first?)
5) What/who was the very first BJD you saw?
6) Biggest size you own? (Have held/seen/like)
7) Smallest size you own? (Have held/seen/like)
8) What is your favourite size?
9) What is your least favourite size?
10) Post a picture of a doll and an animal!
11) What do your friends think of your dolls/dolls in general?
12) Dollie shoes! Show us how many you have!

13) Have you ever had a floating head? What about a headless body? (What do you think you would do if you had either?)
14) What do your family think of your dolls?
15) Can any of your crew stand on their heads? (Show us~)
16) What is your favourite item of dollie clothing?
17) Do you have a favourite company?
18) A least favourite company?
19) What is your dream doll?

20) One doll you love, but will never (probably) buy?
21) What’s your favourite doll scale prop?
22) Is there a part of the BJD hobby that you dislike?
23) What about your favourite part of the hobby?
24) Have you ever modded a doll? (Do you think that you would?)
25) Done your own faceups? (Again, do you think you’d do that?)
26) Do you have a favourite out of your own dolls? (Don’t worry, we won’t tell the others ;D)

27) Post a crazy/silly pose!
28) Post a picture of your dolls exploring the outside world!
29) Have you ever been to a doll meetup? Did you enjoy it/do you plan to go to one in the future? 

30) a Surprise!

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