Thursday, April 12, 2012

Blog Challenge 25: Faceups?

Ahhh, the faceup question. The simple answer is no. I will never do a faceup on one of my dolls. The more detailed answer is below, lol.

I can count the number of dolls I have bought blank on one hand. There was Ianthe and Isis at the start of my collecting history and now Vesna and Rasmus. The rest of my dolls who have non-default faceups either did not offer an option to have their head faceuped, or I bought them blank or already painted secondhand.

This is simply because usually I have no problems with the default - there are a few dolls that I will be buying later on that I am going to pick up blank because I'm not a fan of the default, but that rarely happens. Usually I consider getting the default a cheaper and more convenient option than finding a faceup artist and spending more money to get them painted. Three of my four dolls bought blank was because buying them blank was cheaper - Ianthe and Isis because at that time I believe the number of dolls I was buying at the same time was around 6 (it was a bit nuts in the early days) and Vesna because I was already buying a few extras and I thought I might as well knock off a little bit of the money. Originally I was planning on buying Vesna with a default. Rasmus is a little different, while I liked his body and fantasy parts well enough, I was never a real fan of his face, especially not his eyes. They were a bit too narrow and slit-like for me, so I was going to decide when I got him whether or not to mod his eyes. (in the beginning I was actually thinking about dumping his head and finding another... then I realised how few SOOM heads that were available in CW I actually liked... most of them I already have.) So Rasmus being blank is to allow me the option to mod his eyes if I really dislike them.

Ironically enough, those four previously mentioned as well as Persephone (who is a special case) are also the only dolls I had a choice whether or not to have/keep a default faceup, the rest are either event items where no faceup was given or secondhand and bought blank or already with a faceup. Persephone is a exception because while I bought her secondhand with a default faceup, her default started to peel and I then chose to give her a non-default to replace it.

Faceups have in some cases - most notably Isis - made the character of the doll. Isis' ability to glare at me even while blank and her successive goth faceups make her who she is - this is also the case with Sirona, although her sleepy expression also helped!

While this is a BJD blog challenge for the most part, I am now the proud owner of a number of Blythes (only one of which I have) and I can honestly say that for the first time I am considering customising my own dolls.

Blythes are a lot larger than BJDs and that might have something to do with the idea that it may be easier to customise them. I don't have as clear an idea of what I want my Blythes to look like and feel that there might not be a bad thing when it comes to me customising them myself. It also looks a little easier than faceuping a BJD...

I have a faceplate arriving that I will use to practise on. Here goes nothing...

Dolls with default faceups:
  1. Marcheline (new)
  2. Bellona Lua (SH)
  3. Osiris (new)
  4. Ma'at (new)
  5. Icarus (new)
  6. Ares (new)
  7. Mati (SH)
  8. Arawn (SH)
  9. Magnus (new)
  10. Caesair (SH)
  11. Angelu (new)
  12. Anubis (new)
  13. Janus (new)
  14. Cassius (new)
  15. Violet (new)
  16. Seth (new)
  17. Nephthys (new)
  18. Veja (new)
  19. Corvinus (new)
  20. Sol (SH)
  21. Pallus (new)
  22. Emmeline (SH)
  23. Mithras (new)
  24. Diana (SH)
  25. Thyra (new)

Dolls with non-default faceups:
  1. Sirona (nc) - LK
  2. Persephone (choice) - bought SH with a default originally - Andreja
  3. Ianthe (choice) - LK
  4. Isis (choice) - LK
  5. Morrigan (nc) - LK
  6. Vulcan (nc) - LK
  7. Nemain (nc) - AngelToast
  8. Poseidon (nc) - incomplete LK
  9. Zeus (nc) - incomplete LK
  10. Hades (nc) - LK
  11. Fea (nc) - AngelToast
  12. Pax (nc) - AngelToast
  13. Nox (nc) - AngelToast
  14. Magna Dea ??
  15. Vesna (choice)
  16. Rasmus (choice)

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