Saturday, July 14, 2012

Evil evil evil doll makers

Fairyland are simply evil... if you missed their evil tweeting last night (or this morning or whichever... ) here it is:
Twt tease: Oh, so you think you are safe from all this? Tell me more about how you've been waiting for THE girl since the CON.
cont: (That girl, seems like will be available in FL version -not the artist ver.- which was released in MNF size some time ago :-)
Twt Tease2: And a call, for older sculpt lovers! Coz, you wants it. You needs it. You must have the precious.
  1. Fairyland is going to release an F60 Mirwen - possibly within this release. (there is a suggestion that there are three new F60 releases... the F60 Chloe, the F60 Karsh and possibly an F60 Mirwen.) Note: it is the MIRWEN, not the VF doll... they are not exactly the same thing - the VF doll includes the wig/faceup/outfit, the whole shebang. The F60 Mirwen will not - it will have to have a different faceup and a different fullset (if she gets a fullset).
  2. Older sculpts... and FL’s rep referring to us as Gollum. I completely agree! I am Gollum... I wants, needs, the precious - a new Lishe, or Breakaway... mmm, CP’s older sculpts... precious...
I did find this tweet (in response to a question about an F60 Pong) vastly amusing and not surprising in the least...
“But nope, no more Pongpong due to the bad sales figure of LTF Pongpong despite piles of request to make one.”
Come on, who didn’t see that one coming? I wonder if the sales figures on the LTF Chiwoos are the same? (encoded: please please please no more Chiwoos!)
I wish Fairyland/CP would take in my requests (other than the fact they already have with the new F60).... as follows:
  1. MNF Elf/Elf Vampire Lishe... surely we’ve waited long enough??
  2. MNF Breakaway - just cause it would be so fun to have a basic (and follow him with the Elf/VE release too)
  3. F65 Lishe & Breakaway or El
  4. LTF Elf Lishe...
  5. PKF Lishe... cause I wants one, I needs one... I needs the precious!

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