So what's happening currently, since I haven't been updating here for a little while:
- Emmeline has arrived! W00t! She looks fantastic, other than her lack of shoes (I need to find a pair of white boots for her, so if you know any likely candidates, please tell me!) and next to Violet and Angelu she looks great. I'd need to find the super rare MSD Alice head to complete my Pipos Alice collection, but I don't think I would manage it and I doubt I would have the money to pay for it. It's a nice thought though - a complete Pipos Alice collection ... mmm... Lol. (but then there would possibly be an argument for attempting to find one of the 2 Pipos Baby Dark Alices, which is virtually impossible!!)
- Been updating The Resin Fables a fair amount recently with Sol's introductions of his family and various other members of the household - its always amusing as he isn't always flattering.
- Considering a new addition to the family, but considering the sculpt, it won't be discussed here!!
- Coming up to the final payment for Mithras... but no where near the end of 90 day waiting period for him :( (that's up on the 23rd of September!!). That of course does not include the possible extra 20 days because Fairyland is overworked. *sigh* Coming up to the last payment on my body, so the body dilemma I've been having (read about it here Lished )
- Pax is heading back from having her eyes opened - and she looks fantastic! I've picked out the colours for her eyes and possibly the faceup artist that I'll get to do her makeup. I also might have a way to get a head for Nox, which would be cool, because I could get them similar faceups - I've already picked Nox's eyes as well, although not her wig. Pax is also making me keep looking for a body for her, although all the ones I've seen on the MP are small busts, and Pax doesn't want that. But then she really needs to get to the back of the line, as I've got to get Arawn, Hades, Zeus and Veja bodies as well this year!
Emmeline |
Violet, Angelu and Emmeline |
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