Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Hard Decisions

How easy is it to decide to sell a doll?

I haven't tried it much - the only doll so far who I know I have to sell is my old Arum, a Goodreau OzDottie. I was never very happy with how she looked, so I know that someone else will appreciate her more than me. That was the only doll I made the decision would have to go - but I would replace her with a bigger, better suited doll for her character. So in essence I wasn't getting rid of a doll at all, I was just replacing her with something else. (for the full story of Arum, check out my earlier blogpost: Arum - a reshelling project )

But now I have been presented with another issue. Two of my dolls I'm not all that happy with and I am wondering whether or not I should sell them or keep them. So I have decided a few things - I will have their faceups redone, to see if that makes a difference with my ideas about them - but if it doesn't, then I will just sell them with that faceup.

In case you're wondering which dolls I'm talking about - I mean Hyperion and Theia, my two multiheads.

Yes... shock horror - I am thinking of SELLING two of my dolls ;)

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