Sunday, December 22, 2013

Revisiting 13 wishes for 2013....

So it comes the time to go back over my 13 wishes for 2013...
  1. Mor Mumain and Nic Naomhim's bodies came in and they're complete now.
  2. V has had his make over and he looks fantastic - just ask him... or his girlfriend!
  3. Well, Arum didn't go to AT, she went to Krowbar instead, but she looks fantastic. The job that Krowbar did was just simply epic!
  4. Inuus is home and fantastic
  5. Iana is also home.
  6. Well, this is kind of both a yes and a no - I have two of the Ital heads - the Eye Scar and the Nose Scar, but I have yet to purchase a basic OE. Possibly he will come home in tan...
  7. No Anhur, not yet anyway.
  8. Neith did come home, I stumbled across a fullset Sweet Bunny and couldn't help myself!
  9. Helios came home, in tan, just last week and he is the most beautiful boy!
  10. No MNF Seorin, although considering my year, I'm not surprised!
  11. Krowbar was wonderful enough to sell me her wonderful Delf Tan girl... and then I got skittled by more tan!
  12. No F60 boy this year... I will admit I have still be eyeing off an F60 El.... I almost got an F60 BA... but he turned into an F70 instead!
  13. No F65 Lishe... :(
  14. And that question mark was more than filled with quite a few surprise purchases - tans and a Mini Machina... and all sorts of different things!

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