So it comes the time to go back over my 13 wishes for 2013...
- Mor Mumain and Nic Naomhim's bodies came in and they're complete now.
- V has had his make over and he looks fantastic - just ask him... or his girlfriend!
- Well, Arum didn't go to AT, she went to Krowbar instead, but she looks fantastic. The job that Krowbar did was just simply epic!
- Inuus is home and fantastic
- Iana is also home.
- Well, this is kind of both a yes and a no - I have two of the Ital heads - the Eye Scar and the Nose Scar, but I have yet to purchase a basic OE. Possibly he will come home in tan...
- No Anhur, not yet anyway.
- Neith did come home, I stumbled across a fullset Sweet Bunny and couldn't help myself!
- Helios came home, in tan, just last week and he is the most beautiful boy!
- No MNF Seorin, although considering my year, I'm not surprised!
- Krowbar was wonderful enough to sell me her wonderful Delf Tan girl... and then I got skittled by more tan!
- No F60 boy this year... I will admit I have still be eyeing off an F60 El.... I almost got an F60 BA... but he turned into an F70 instead!
- No F65 Lishe... :(
- And that question mark was more than filled with quite a few surprise purchases - tans and a Mini Machina... and all sorts of different things!