BTW: when Fairyland releases its Minifee gift and if its a good one, I will participate in it, but not until after Christmas - just before the end of the event most likely. I'll try to space it out as much as I possibly can.
So to the count down...
I have given bodies to seven dolls (* at this point their body has not arrived):
- Mati
- Hyperion
- Bellona Lua
- Sirona
- Caesair
- Vulcan*
- Theia*
- Nemain
- Magnus
- Angelu
- Anubis
- Argus
- Janus
- Cassius
- Violet
- Li Na
- Seth*
- Nephthys*
- Corvinus*
- Arawn
- Delf Juri 05
- Hades
- Poseidon
- Zeus
- Veja*
By the end of the year (anticipating that the shipping on Corvinus comes through and he, plus Seth, Nephthys, Vulcan's body and Theia's all arrive before Dec 31) I would imagine the list will look like this:
At home:
- Morrigan
- Magnus
- Marcheline
- Sirona
- Nemain
- Caesair
- Argus
- Corvinus
- Bellona Lua
- Vulcan
- Janus
- Violet
- Cassius
- Ianthe
- Icarus
- Ares
- Li Na
- Isis
- Osiris
- Ma'at
- Anubis
- Seth
- Nephthys
- Angelu
- Hyperion
- Theia
- Persephone
- Mati
- Arawn
- Delf Juri 05
- Hades
- Poseidon
- Zeus
- Veja
- Yet unnamed - SM Shoshon
Watch this space... who knows what's going to be released in dolly terms? I'm already planning a Feeple65 body for Arawn, and possibly another Feeple65 girl body for another Lishe head...
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