Need to rock through an update I think... hold onto your hats as a few things have happened since I last did so!
We left off with the entrance of Cassius, my darling little Silt and I was anticipating the arrival of Violet. And well... there have been a few things going on since then.
Violet |
Violet has arrived in all her arrogant evilness, and on the same day both Li Na and Arum were also delivered.
I have no regrets with Violet, she looks simply fantastic and her outfit just surprised me no end – the detail is as good as Angelu’s and the stockings are simply incredible. She made her place fairly promptly, and has been showing off with how easy she is to photograph and how good she looks.
Li Na |
There was no such fanfare (or photostories) with Arum and Li Na. As they arrived in a rather large delivery box along with another two SDs and three dragon babies (including LillyKitten’s Odina, Sheng and Meiling), and LillyKitten, as the dealer, had to check them, I had to wait for her box.
Arum |
Arum was all I thought she was and she was quickly dressed and had some quality time with her master. Li Na was beautiful – with some great default blushing and a gorgeous little outfit, even though it took a while to figure out which way it went on!!
I also received my prize from when Morrigan won the modelling competition at SMASH 2010 in Sydney, which were the default outfits for two of the newer Dollzone girls – the Tulip and the Stranionium. I had a quick search through them, and was happily surprised by the detail – the feathers, the material... it just blew me away!
Unfortunately, after her first photo shoot, I started to realise that Arum had to leave. I had organised a swop with another girl for a Delf Juri and I was originally getting another Clovera which would have been part of the swop (yes, I know, two Cloveras!!).
But, I finally made the difficult descision to send Arum to her new home and owner in NSW. Her outfit has been tucked away for when I save up enough to get her again, but never fear, she will most definitely be back!
However, this opened yet another door!
I had originally organised the swop for the Delf Juri for the beautiful Type 1 White Skin body she had, which I was hoping was the infamous Beauty Green. This would mean one of two things – either Nemain, my startlingly green girl who was residing on an Angel of Dream body would get a proper Delf body, or Caesair, my Elf Lishe head would get a body. (for the discussion about the beauty green and some more info about Caesair, please trundle over to Lished.)
Caesair |
It turned out that the body was just a normal White Skin and matched Caesair rather than Nemain. I can’t say I mind much, it means that I now have four big Lishes, and no Lishes waiting around for a body (except for Nemain, who I still planned to try and find a greenish body).
That changed the doll planner – for once instead of adding dolls to the list, I actually took one doll off! That’s right, I went BACK! Arum has been placed back on the wait/save list, while Caesair was moved up into her spot on the planner.
I was feeling satisfied with myself.
Then suddenly I heard about a new development at Cerberus Project... the new Feeple65. I was definitely exited, I had asked for an A-line Feeple as a part of the survey which had been carried out earlier in the year. I admit that I really wasn’t expecting them to produce anything like that – it seems not many people buy the Feeple, but I wanted to try all the same.
... CP has made an A-line, muscular Feeple and a really nice girl as well. Damn them. And considering the latest shot of the beautiful scar arm on the girl... damn. I can see some Fairyland Christmas spending and another Lishe – hopefully that will go easily onto the new 65cm body with a scar arm.
(watch this space for more ranting at Fairyland since there is more than two new dolls on the list for the coming Event)
And that of course is not all... is it ever?
I have been safe from SOOM for a little while now. Since they bought out the Tuff, I haven’t particularly wanted anything.
Now they’ve released the Shoshon. A Mega Gem – I’ve wanted one since the Monzo. I was happy with letting him go (although it’s always tempting to get one second hand because I LOVE that face). However now that I know that SOOM will allow 5 and 6 month layaways, I think I’ve just been SOOMed for the 4th time. Yes. Fourth.
Shoshon |
Those I’m waiting for? I have this sneaking suspicion DDE hasn’t been honest with me and my Pukifee are currently at their shop. I’m waiting for Seth and Nephthys to complete the Pukifee Army (for now....) and am about to start bellowing at them to dig them out and actually tell me they’re there!
I’m also waiting for a GO – which includes Vulcan’s body, a body for Theia and Veja’s face. I’m hoping it will come soon, I’m already more than frustrated with the entire GO.
Plus, I have a SOOM Tuff on layaway – I was blackmailed into it. I wasn’t going to buy him until LillyKitten told me that she would buy the second head and a Dark Cheshire if I bought Violet and the Tuff.
She’s an enabler. My Tuff’s name is Corvinus, while hers will be Julius.
Watch this space... its coming up to Event time and who knows what will happen next?