It arrived yesterday... without Argus... it seems Angelheim ships dolls seperately...
Anyway. This is what the Angelheim outfit looks like on the site.
It of course looked nothing like it when I got it - it looked something like this:
(I apologise for any blurry or dark shots... it was fairly late!)
All the items in their little bags - the cloak at the back is velvet... (!!) and the pants in the front are very nice pleather.
I pulled out the top... I thought that both sleeves were chopped off, but only one was! Its a cotton top with press studs all the way up the back... (I have decided not to get out the belts, so they won't appear in our little try on session.
Wow... didn't expect it to fit the MNF so well.... damn, now I know what I might do with these clothes when LillyKitten's Titus isn't wearing it.... Vulcan, Bellona Lua and possibly Sol Invictus might have a cute top...
Armour tops on - its double layered, the grey is not connected to the blue on the top. There is some gorgeous bling on the shoulder and on the gauntlet... yes, only one gauntlet and underneath it is the other sleeve...
Belt thing and chain on... not sure if I got the positioning of the chain correctly... I mistakenly thought it was a necklace when I first unwrapped the parcel... but the material that the metal dagger is on is beautiful!
With the cape - the cape is held on with a piece of velcro on the shoulder... The belts should be two around the upper thigh on the gauntlet side, one around the top of the boot and one around the arm under the cape...
And that is the beautiful Ciel Knight outfit... it's GREAT quality and simply amazing in the way it has been made. It's super easy to get it on and off, and it fits a MNF A-line without looking ridiculous.
I can't wait to get the Luka outfit - which is for sale again - and see how nice that is too!
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