I realised just this morning that I don’t have a plain dolly blog – just for me to express myself and dolly news and the like. I have a blog for my Lishe collections: Lished and I have a blog for my dolls themselves – The Resin Fables, but I don’t actually have one just for the softskin.
So here it is. One blog, just for me. Everything will be in here – arrivals, the decisions... everything.
I thought I’d start with how I managed to get into the hobby in the first place.
It was the start of 2009, I was on holidays from work and Lilly was telling me about this doll she had bought off eBay. We went out to tea and she brought it along to show me. It was Sabine, her first doll, a Goodreau Secret, in Vinyl.
I have always liked dolls – I was a doll girl as a kid, I had about 12 Barbies that I spent a lot of time with. I had paper dolls as well, a lot of them and had played with them on a regular basis. As I grew older the Barbies were placed in the cupboard and my shelves were instead filled with other dolls – I have 2 of my mother’s dolls, a number of country dolls – two Welsh and a couple from Bangladesh (including an Indian Barbie), I have my collection of Kokeshi – some which are the more modern that you can get from gift shops, but 3 or 4 that have come from Japan. I have 2 Bratz and a Legolas figurine to complete the set. But until Lilly showed me Sabine, I had not heard of or really seen BJDs.
I am not into Anime or Manga. I will read it occasionally, but I’m not a Japan-o-phile. So I didn’t find BJDs through that – and in case you’re wondering I’m still not into Manga or Anime... at all really.
So anyway, I met my first BJD (although Off Topic for DoA) in January ‘09.
My first doll that I ordered was an Goodreau OzDottie from DDE in Feburary (I didn’t get her until the end of September). Quickly after I ordered Marcheline, my Dollcatch Stella (who I had by the end of May), then my Pukifee Zoe, Osiris. I was a little bit strange at first, because even quicker after that I ordered my Little Fee Lishe and a Pukifee Bonnie...
By the end of September 2009, I had 7 full dolls, plus 5 floating heads...
And yes... a full blown obsession with BJDs.
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The Slow-down: 2016-2019
Wow. I used to collect a lot, and now, I don't do a lot of collecting at all. My collection has slowed to a crawl - some of it is prob...

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