Sunday, January 20, 2013

Internal Conflict

I am considering selling a couple of my boys. It came to me last night that some of my boys possibly would be better off with people who appreciated them better. I do love them, but I don’t honestly know if I want to keep them at the moment.

I don’t know if people can guess who I’m thinking of - but I am considering Pallus, my Shoshon and Corvinus, my Tuff. When it comes down to it, I think, as much as I think they’re beautiful boys and all that, I wonder if I really want to keep them anymore.

As beautifully handsome as he is, Pallus is a giant of a boy. It’s not his size that has me troubled, as I have no problems with big dolls, but I don’t think I take enough photos of him. And as cute as Corvinus is, he feels a little out of place.

I did briefly consider my other SOOMs - but I couldn’t see myself getting rid of Magnus, he’s too special. Cassius either, as gorgeous as he is. As for the twins, they are similar to Magnus - I couldn’t see myself without either of them. 

I don’t know. I feel like putting them up and seeing if anyone is interested in them. I feel rather conflicted and I’m not a fan of feeling like this. Any suggestions?

Saturday, January 12, 2013

BJD Confessions

  1. While I still participate on DoA, I am disillusioned by a large proportion of dolly owners who seem to think that they’re allowed to complain to the skies if a dolly company dares to suggest to do something they didn’t like, but when someone else goes against them and suggests that they are disappointed in the outcome (which those who complained originally got through complaining) they attack them like they’re some kind of virus. (especially considering these people rarely actually complain when its something THEY don’t like).
  2. I am an incredibly logical person, even when I look at dolly things - especially releases etc. If you disagree with me, fine - present me with a well reasoned argument which is logical, and I’ll cede the point. Otherwise, deal with my sarcasm, disbelief and dissenting views.
  3. I am uncomfortable with meet ups in shopping centres, especially when the area suggested is a food court. I have spent a lot of money on my dolls and while I may be open to allowing you to touch them, when there is a possibility of greasy tables and people eating greasy food I’ll pass thanks. This often extends to taking dolls to some garden areas and the like which have similar greasy possibilities.
  4. I am also uncomfortable at meet ups that allow people to sit in clique groups and completely ignore other people - like meet ups set across small tables which aren’t linked and are around corners and the like. I am shy enough about meeting people I don’t know. Place me in a corner and leave me to my own devices and I won’t stay very long, no matter how beautiful your dolls are. (I also don’t tend to enter conversations of my own accord in those situations, you have to talk to me. Unfair, I know.)
  5. I have never liked dolly elitism. I dislike Volks intensely and I don’t care how ugly your doll is. I also don’t need you to introduce me to your doll with a description of how rare it is and how much it would cost on the secondhand market. Also, why did you buy your doll if you’re going to cradle it like Gollum would the One Ring and not allow anyone to even see it? (Why did you bring it to the meet up with that kind of attitude anyway?)
  6. I enjoy having my dolls around me in rooms - like Magnus, who stands by my bed, or half my other dolls who sit on bookshelves in my room, or those who don’t fit in my room who sit in the lounge with me... and anyone else who comes in.
  7. I have met some fantastic people who are in the dolly habit (I think you might know who you are) who are always happy to have a lengthy discussion either as Softskin or some other character and are happy to listen to my thoughts. I love epically long mail messages about dolly matters because sometimes its hard to have those conversations with people around me. (that won’t be surprising to some who have talked to me before.)
  8. I sometimes worry that I am taking photos of the same thing - I probably am, but I want my dolls to look their best and often that means I simply stick with what I know, even if its repetitive, but then I don't think I have fantastic photograph skills anyway. I do not find photo posing all that easy.
  9. I love seeing what people do with their dolls - how the sculpts I own can look completely different when owned by someone else. I also love doing it with my own dolls - I appreciate that sometimes you have to identify two sculpts which are the same because of the customisation and I think that’s great.
  10. I cringe at some of the dolly pics I see - sometimes because of the poor photography (focus people!) and sometimes because I wonder how someone could dress the poor doll like that - or paint its face like that... or just sometimes because I simply don’t like the sculpt itself and its a terrible merge of all three! *wink*
  11. I love the thrill of waiting for a release, especially if it’s something I like. Thus I also enjoy the “on shipping” notice and tend to then obsessively check tracking to see if my doll has gone anywhere. Thus I also love opening boxes.
  12. I enjoy seeing what face up artists, one in particular, do with dolls - the expressions they can make and the ways they can make what you ask for come to life in ways you never expected.
  13. I am blessed that my family - particularly my brothers, whom are my roommates - accept my doll collecting. They might not completely understand it, but they do accept it (they have to, see #6) and don’t make any derogatory comments. I am also blessed with a lot of my friends, especially some of the girls (and guys) at work, who are happy to let me squee about new dolls or ask me if I’ve gotten another doll. Again, while they may not completely understand, they do accept it and don’t expect me to keep my mouth shut on the subject.

Tuesday, January 1, 2013

13 wishes for 2013

Since I did this for 2012, I thought it would be fun to do it again for 2013... I don't think I'll do it for next year, it was hard enough thinking up 13 wishes!

(admittedly some of the wishes are recycled from 2012... sssh) - the question mark is for all those things which are completely unexpected! (and its number 14, technically.)
  1. The bodies for Mor Mumain and Nic Naomhim to turn up - I was hoping they would have been done and sent out in 2012, but it just didn’t happen. And as with Pax and Nox last year, now the girls have their stunning faceups from AT, they are CRYING out for bodies!
  2. Vulcan’s makeover - Yes, V is finally going out for a new faceup and tatts and blushing. He is of course going to AT and while’s its a wrench to let him go (ironically at roughly the same time as he was gone last time to get said tatts/body blushing done) he is going  to look just as fabulous as his smaller siblings. (If you haven’t seen the new looks for Hades, Poseidon and Zeus, check out my photo stream or an earlier post, they look incredible.)
  3. Arum’s customisation - She’s going to go to AT, and she’s a big job... I want to get her finished to see if I can finally hold onto an Arum for once! (She’s Mk III) 
  4. Chicline Ital - my first new BA boy in a long time for me to wait for - his name is Inuus, and I want him home ASAP, if just to watch Isis attempt to steal his bling.
  5. Chicline Chloe, Iana - just cause she is sooo beautiful!
  6. Feeple 65 Ital - including normal and nose scar faces - cause when FL decide to bury me in BA/Itals, they do it with a vengeance! (Three 65 heads and a CL in one event!)
  7. Pukifee WS Zoe, Anhur - still have to get him, it feels strange not to have bought a Pukifee in 2012 (I might have to make up for it!)
  8. Pukifee Sweet Bunny Bonnie WS, Neith - the Army needs some more additions, Isis is crying out for more power (isn’t she always?)
  9. LTF Elf El - Helios, for some reason I’m being pestered by Els to get some more, so I suppose I need to have another in the house...
  10. MNF Seorin, Apollo - the MNF boys are seriously outnumbered in this house and they’d like to have another male on their team!
  11. Delf Tanning Lishe - I’m still looking for this girl. I want her bad.
  12. An F60 boy - I’d prefer an Ital/BA (cause I’m that kind of girl) but I am quite partial to Els... This wish is cause all my 60cm size CPs are girls and I would quite like a male, cause that would even it out a little, lol. (though not numerically...)
  13. an F65 Lishe - cause she would go with my F65 Ital/BA so well!

The Slow-down: 2016-2019

Wow. I used to collect a lot, and now, I don't do a lot of collecting at all. My collection has slowed to a crawl - some of it is prob...