So as you already know, I have 5 BAs - one Feeple - Arawn, a Scar MNF called Vulcan and three LittleFee, Hades, Poseidon and Zeus. I have decided not to attempt to collect the original Luts dolls, as that would take me ages, and make a lot of trouble for myself. Plus, I already have a collection of Lishes which is half finished and I didn't need to get myself into more trouble attempting to complete a collection of BAs.
Whether or not this resolution will be broken, I don't know. So far I have managed to stop myself from buying a number of very nice BAs from the previous sales of his sculpt.
For those interested, there have been 3 Luts versions of the BA, all of them limited sale dolls.
- Limited Delf Breakaway - with OE and open mouthed sleeping vampire head
- Count Verre Breakaway Delf Art Fullset, limited to 20 - with an OE and vampire sleeping head. (there are no fangs on the OE head)
- Bloody Valentine Breakaway fullset, again with OE and vampire sleeping heads.
- Midnight Blue and Midnight Sun fullsets (two outfits/dolls) Feeple70s, which cames with an OE, a Dreaming Eye and a Sleeping head (no vamp fangs though).
- Minifee Scar head, as an event item in 2009, plus a sleeping Scar head released for another event later in the year.
- LittleFee/L-line as an event item for the Chicline Event in 2010.
If I collected like I do the Lishes, the list would need to be the following:
- Limited Breakaway, OE and open mouth-ed sleeping Vampire head
- Count Verre fullset, OE and sleeping Vampire heads - WITH faceups and outfits, default wig, shoes etc etc.
- Bloody Valentine fullset: OE and sleeping Vampire heads, WITH faceup and outfit, wig, shoes etc.
- Midnight Sun Feeple70 fullset/Midnight Blue fullset, OE, dreaming and sleeping heads, with faceup, outfit, wig etc
- Minifee Scar Breakaway OE head.
- Minifee Scar Breakaway sleeping head
- L-line/Little Fee Breakaway head
That would be why, currently, my BA collection is limited to the newer releases from Fairyland, barring any releases yet to come (possible Chic line release or smaller... which would be interesting...). I did the other day see a Luts BA with a default Bloody Valentine faceup, which was tempting, but I'm currently in a doll freeze.
So back to my story - I now have all three of my Little Fee boys, Hades, Poseidon and Zeus. They are not all faceuped - only Hades has been finished, and they do not all have bodies. They do all have clothes, wigs and eyes and have all had their photos taken. In the last couple of weeks, Poseidon received his body. Sometime this year I am also planning to make sure that Hades and Zeus also receive bodies.
Vulcan has also received his body, although one of the MNF Chest pieces went missing, so while he can wear his two scar arms, he is missing his scar chest piece.
Arawn is still a head, and while I have the 60cm dragon arm for him, I have been a bit indecisive about whether or not to get him a Feeple70 like I originally planned, or to hybrid him onto a new Feeple65 body. I haven't seen enough owner pics of Delf/Feeple heads on F65 bodies to make a choice as to whether or not a Feeple65 is a good idea. Arawn thinks its fantastic, simply because the F65 body is more ripped than the F70. He would not be able to wear his dragon arm with an F65 body however.
So, other than collecting bodies (doesn't that sound good??) my BA collecting has reached a quiet pause. I have my boys (and hopefully Fairyland won't release any more that I must get for a while) and they are vaguely content.
Arawn |
Vulcan |
Hades, Poseidon and Zeus |